UNWINED Live! is an online event and content series that explores food, wine, language and culture through the lens of Roger Bissell and very special guests. The series begins the week of April 6th and runs through May 8th.
IN HIS WORDS: Leonardo Pisani is a native Italian who immigrated to Texas in 2007 in hopes of achieving the American dream and sharing his passion for wine. Leonardo has worked in the wine industry for more than 15 years and before this grew and harvested grapes for wine on his family’s land. He believes nothing pairs better with ‘everything’ than his family wine. Leo owned a restaurant in Cinque Terre before moving to America.
Once in America he ran the wine programs and managed Italian restaurants and a hotel for Deloitte University. Later, he focused solely on wine sales and is currently the Italian Specialist for Serendipity wines imports and distribution, a company which specializes in fine Italian wines. His passion for selling Serendipity Italian wines runs deep. It’s been rumored his veins flow with more Italian red wine than Italian red blood…
These wineries below are the ones I have personally involved with during my years in the restaurant business and after. I am also passionate about the people who run these operations and the connection they have established with the land.