UNWINED Live! is an online event and content series that explores food, wine, language and culture through the lens of Roger Bissell and very special guests. The series begins the week of April 6th and runs through May 8th.
credit: Giorgia Marino
IN HER WORDS: I started working in the wine industry in the U.S.; first in Miami and then in San Francisco for the last two years.
When I was in Italy, in Sicily to be specific, I completed my Bachelor and Master degrees in Hotel Management and after an internship in New York, I worked for about three years at a golf resort in Sicily. I then decided to change my life and move to the United States.
I was already passionate about wine, but it was a coincidence that I found a job for an importing and distributing wine company in Miami. There, my passion about wine increased. I also realized there were a lot of misconceptions about Italian culture and I wanted to become more active in promoting the authentic made in Italy.
After Miami I got a job in San Francisco, again for an Italian wine importing and distributing company. It was an amazing experience, but I felt it was time to move back to Italy and be closer to my roots. From Sicily, I moved to Florence the last week of February this year. My plan was to start working in the wine industry in Tuscany and then develop a project on my own; sadly a couple of days after the corona virus crisis began and everything got stuck, also me!
credit: Giorgia Marino